Their songs are predominantly Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Cornish although the group is not limited to those alone.
Heart of Erin is primarily a vehicle for those women with a heart for Celtic material and a desire to make friends with like minded singers. The group occasionally performs for community and charity functions and events, festivals, and private functions - why not consider a Celtic flavour for your next social event?
On St Patricks day, you may find members of this chorus busking around the Newcastle area to share some of their Irish songs in celebration of the day - funds raised are donated to a local community organisation.
The chorus sings in Parts and Harmonies - with fresh arrangements by their Director.
New members are always welcome. Some singing experience is preferred but not essential. Parts and Harmonies are learned in a relaxed, friendly environment.
Chorus numbers - and ages - vary ... and our members enjoy the occasional social get together as well.
If you are interested in joining this chorus, it meets at 10.30am on Thursday mornings in the New Lambton area. Inquiries can be made by emailing: bookings@maureen.com.au
To listen to Heart of Erin go to YouTube here: https://youtu.be/1PxsHkn53oI and here: Flower of Scotland
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