So when you're part of a chorus, you're part of a team. And we're all in it together because we love to make music. But here's some food for thought to mull over while you're on your break:
- On this chorus journey, are you a participative passenger or are you a snoozer?
- The snoozer pops along for their weekly chorus, enjoys the fun and the fellowship of singing with the chorus members, leaves on a high, then forgets it all until the next session (where they've most likely forgotten everything they learned at the last one anyway)
- The participative passenger engages with the process along the journey. Between sessions, they'll do some vocal exercises, work on the new material by both listening and singing the songs, they might even make notes to ask their director for clarification with some notes or phrasings at the next chorus.
- In your chorus, do you set yourself some little challenges?
- In life generally, we all have our fears. It's no different in your chorus. Some people fear having to perform. Some people fear being heard, so sing very softly hiding behind the other voices. But whatever your fears, taking dolly steps to overcoming them is the best way to build your confidence, helping you enjoy your chorus even more. Try these tips;
- each week turn your volume up a tiny bit louder ...dolly steps are good enough to help you reach your destination
- each week practice lifting your eyes off the page ...reading your lyrics is merely a security blanket
- each week try adding a little more facial expression...sing with your eyes, add a smile, ....let it become a weekly habit and it will come naturally when you're in front of an audience
- REMEMBER that mistakes are the stepping stones that keep us on the right track...don't be afraid of making them, it's how we learn, correct, proceed.