This is a lovely, relaxed and fun afternoon that our choristers and guests look forward to immensely [despite the hard work to pull it all together!].
The Voice of Spring serves up a couple of hours of:
- lovely song from our *Heart of Erin Ladies Celtic Chorus and *Novapop, pop chorus
- some fun games/activities and a generous prize pool on offer
- a comedy spot because laughter is so good for the soul! This year our special guest is Kitty Katz, a vision in pink with her fractured fairy tales
- along with a very delicious afternoon tea
The Soul Cafe - established some 15 years ago - is a most worthy organisation in Newcastle that provides meals and many other services for the homeless in our region. It receives no government funding and relies purely on community donations.
HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS: ##note, many still coming in
*Macleans Bookshop, Hamilton
* Goodness Me Organics, Adamstown
*individual donations : Sandra Tier, Yan Pring, Maureen O'Brien
##to be updated soon
2017 event/some of the Celtic chorus |