Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Giving that cost Nothing

 It seems we've started a new tradition for our chorus group/s this year .... Cocktails and Carols.
On a beautiful summer's evening with a cool sea breeze blowing away the heat of the day, members from my 3 community chorus groups gathered here to share some festive fare and social, then went out into the street to sing carols.  Traveling from one end of the street to the other and back, gifting neighbours with Christmas songs and Christmas Greetings.
Many members had never been Caroling before and were surprised at the response.          

For an experienced Caroler tho', it gave a great sense of enjoyment and satisfaction to be giving to our micro community....and observing the pleasure and surprise it gave to people - some who came out of their homes to listen, others who listened from inside.
It was a first-hand experience of how singing can uplift others ...and ourselves.
From Heart of Erin,  Hot Gospel, and the New Leaf Singers , a very happy Christmas to you and may 2016 inspire you to join a group and SING! 
that's SING Lou ...not Swing!  - One of our members, Louise got into character.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

a Friendly Thank You

What a grand effort made by our choristers last weekend!  The "Voice of Spring" was a most delightful afternoon and we made a nice tidy profit for Lifeline.  Everyone worked hard to make the day a success and all 3 chorus groups sang better than they've ever done!   We had close to a full house on the day and everyone was so very generous.  Big thank you as well to our generous sponsors:  *Creative Imaging Photography  *A Little Bit Tender Massage Therapies  *The Duke of Wellington Hotel, New Lambton  *MacLeans Books, Hamilton  and various private donors [you know who you are].

It was a truly hand-to-hand community event which made everyone feel good, valued, worthy.  And that's just one of the side benefits of being part of a community chorus group.  The sense of having contributed in some way to your local community and your larger community provides all of us with the sure knowledge that we CAN make a difference. 

Sometimes, the crisis' and tragedies happening across the world can be overwhelming and it's a natural reaction to "switch off", feeling that we have no way of helping or making a difference.   But we CAN do something to help at our local level ..... and every little bit helps.  When we volunteer to help others, we get more out of it than we give via that sense of satisfaction in doing something.

As a member of a community chorus, giving your time effort and vocal talent,  you are helping to support local NFP and charity organisations which in turn help those in need.  And that's no 'little' thing.

You can catch a glimpse of the groups saying "thank you"  here ....
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntkeVJ1ekWA  ...
{apologies, the person who took the vid was behind the Director - and that didn't leave a lot of space to fit in all the chorus members! :) }

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Supporting our Community

All 3 choruses - Heart of Erin + Hot Gospel + the New Leaf Singers - will be singing their hearts out for LIFELINE on Sunday 13th September.  You can make a contribution to your community too - *come along and buy a ticket to the Soiree  *tell others in the Newcastle region about the Soiree  *Donate a product, service, or voucher which can be used on the day


*Capture Imaging Photography 

*A Little Bit Tender Massage Therapies

*Macleans Booksellers, Hamilton

* Mad Hatter Millinery
* The Duke of Wellington Hotel 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Taking the Plunge

This week chorus members return to their groups as we start a new year.  That means new material!  And that's always exciting.  Challenging, definitely - but exciting as well.  Most members won't have done any singing since mid-December so inevitably there'll be a little 'rust in the pipes' ...but a good first sing should clear that out.
A new year is a time when many people make new-year-resolutions ....and things they've been procrastinating on finally get to the top of the list.  So I'm never surprised now when new members tell me "oh, I've been meaning to do this for years! why did I wait so long?!".  And I love seeing the joy that singing in a group brings to existing - and new members.  But particularly new members who are experiencing for the first - or at least for a very long - time, that magic buzz that just fills you up when you've finished a singing session.
Who needs drugs when you sing out loud with like-minded folks!
So if you've been thinking about it for awhile, maybe NOW is the time to take the plunge.....you won't regret it.