Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Gift of a Lifetime

This past week I've heard yet another story from a mature adult, still carrying the scars from childhood where she was told to "just open your mouth and pretend - don't make any noise tho'.."  . 
This person believed that very negative conditioning - after all, they were told that by an adult in authority - and consequently has gone through life devoid of the pleasure of making music...and yet wanting to make music.
This is a natural human desire.  We hear the sounds of music in life around us, constantly;  the jazz hum of a hive of bees; the flute and bell sounds of the birds; even the breeze in the leaves is creating music.  It's everywhere.  How sad when we fail to encourage people to find, to discover the joy of music, the rhythm of life - regardless of age.  How hard is it to go through life wanting something that you believe you can never have?
I get excited when I get a raw voice to work with - whether its a private tutoring or a new member of one of the chorus groups.  Because I know, I've seen and heard, what happens when we help people find their voice. 
It HEALS.  It provides a sense of achievement - in some, almost wonder. (wow, did I really make that sound?!)
And it builds confidence - because if we find our voice, if we can confidently release it to the world around us, we can do anything!
What a gift to give someone you care about.  It can cost - well -  nothing even!  Yet it's priceless because the gift of music lasts a lifetime

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let your voice be heard

How often have I heard the line "oh, I can't sing"?!  Too often.  But the reality IS, that if you can talk you can sing.
Everyone has a voice.  Now it may not be the voice that other people think is pretty - but nevertheless it is YOUR voice and as such it has a right to be heard.
You might be surprised to know that we ARE born singers.  It's true.  Research shows that babies cry in the tones of western music.  Babies are soothed by the sound of music - they're actually listening. So why is it that we are born with the gift of music but then lose it somewhere along the way?
  • some babies/children are encouraged to develop their natural inclination to music ... but some children are actively discouraged from exploring music by adults who believe it is not a valid learning or lifestyle choice
  • while still young, our family, teachers, and peers, can disparage a child's efforts to sing - even to the point of telling them to 'keep quiet, you haven't got a voice'.  That's hurtful to a child and the emotional damage can be carried through to old age
  • as adults, perhaps at a party someone has criticised your vocal efforts.  The embarrassment can stick and so you avoid trying ever again.
If singing is something that you want to do, rest assured that you CAN learn to get the best song out of your voice.  But past hurts, false beliefs, old baggage shouldn't prevent you from trying.  It might take some time and some effort to get your voice into shape but if you're prepared to do that, then GO FOR IT!
The reward is well worth the effort.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Warming up with Song

Winter is here ....and so's the long weekend - almost!!  But if you're not going away for the weekend, then why not finish it off with a good warming healthy social sing!
   The annual Winter Sing is happening on Monday night 11th June from 7-9pm ...cost is just $10 and includes a light supper at the end where you can catch up with old friends, make some new ones, enjoy a social chat with like-minded folk.

   It's a fun, social night - no pressure and no challenges this time! And there's something rather special, inspiring, exhilarating about cosying up with a group of friends and raising your voice in song.
   Please book in if you're coming - numbers are limited to the size of my music room! and I also need to know for catering.  [Details are on the 'Coming Up' page]

Oh,  and why don't you subscribe to the Blog while you're here costs nothing, you don't get spammed - just notified when a new post goes up, and it's a good way to keep in touch with what's happening/coming up.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Let's hear it for the voice

Welcome to the new blog's here to encourage you to SING!  
Previously a page on my home blog MozInOz, I thought it was about time that the passion for helping people find their voice be given it's OWN voice.

In this blog, I want to tell you about singing, about sharing song with others, about the joy of singing and what it can add to your life, share some tips and hints, keep you posted about the classes, workshops and other sing events I have happening, share some real-life stories about singing/singers, and encourage you to lift your voice in song. 

Take a look at the other pages on this blog and please....I'd love to hear from you, so leave me some comments.

I'll begin to post next week ....once I've got the content, layout, and design sorted out.....y'all come back now, y' hear!